East & Mason Developers is a locally owned partnership between TBM Partners, LLC and Atlantic Coast Capital, LLC. Both firms have extensive real estate development experience in North Carolina focusing primarily in Raleigh-Durham and greater Wilmington markets.

About East and Mason

A Message From The Developer

We want our neighbors and followers to be informed about the progress and direction of East and Mason, and we are committed to transparently providing information as it becomes available. Our belief is that the architecture, land, and natural habitats of the Masonboro Sound area are a treasured and significant part of our NC coastline, and important to preserve for all. Our desire as a developer is to nestle the new, comfortably into the old, preserving the class of yesterday with the modern appointments of today. As a part of that commitment, the vision of this community will include exterior designs like Modern Farmhouses, Urban Shore Homes, and Coastal Bungalows, meant to marry the history of Masonboro Sound with the fresh, New Urbanism Architectural style of today. East & Mason will enable homeowners to come together with natural and historic amenities unique to the area, and we look forward to sharing our full vision for this community very soon.

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